what motivates you to teach in your business?
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How to Teach Others What You Know

Everywhere you look, there’s another online course creator trying to get your attention. Just think about creating an online course and watch the Facebook ads and a non-stop barrage of information pile up . Plus, you know, it’s fun to learn about creating online courses. But what happens in between the learning and doing stages of course creation? What motivates some people to take the plunge and teach? And why do others opt for help to create those courses? If you’ve been thinking about creating an online course, but all you’re doing is thinking, keep reading. In this article, we’re talking about what motivates you to teach in your business and how you can use that motivation to get to work. And when you’re ready, we’re here to help you bring those ideas to life.

Focus Your Energy with Why You Want to Teach

Finish this sentence: 

“I want to create an online course because…” 

How does that sit with you? The answer, I mean? Does it make you feel good about what you’re trying to do? Or does it instill fear and anxiety? Try finishing that sentence with another answer. 

I’ll wait. 

How does that one fit? 

The thing we forget as course creators and business owners is that we can change our why. If you run an organization that offers online training or you’re interested in having us create an internal training program, your why might not matter. What would matter in those situations is why your students would want to take your course after we build it for you. What got you moving, in the beginning, might be what’s slowing you down now. And if you’re going to reinvent your business or grow it beyond where it is, you might need a different why. 

woman writing on ipad Heather Deveaux
Understanding Your Motivation Helps You Stay Focused

Be the Leader, Not the Authority When Teaching

When it comes to teaching others what you know, you might be motivated by having the spotlight or by being the authority. There’s a lot of talk about how important it is to be the authority in your field. But if everyone is the authority, or at least, claims to be, how can you be the authority? This has just become something we say. I like it, don’t get me wrong. We create online courses faster than others because we understand how to get to the root problems customers are experiencing and turn those problems into learning moments.

There is a difference between knowing what you’re talking about and knowing how to teach that information to produce something of value. And I can tell you, not many people know how to produce something of value. 

Authorities talk. Leaders do. See the difference? 

I don’t talk in terms of authority. It reminds me too much of when I had a boss and when I worked in the army. I prefer to think of myself as a leader. 

Because I go first. And I go hard. I go fast. And I accept the consequences and clear the path so you don’t have to.

 Authorities just keep reading more books and have a lot of knowledge that doesn’t always go anywhere. 

Watch the people who claim authority and measure what they’ve done. Then look at people you’d consider leaders. They might not know everything, but they sure as shit get things done.

men writing at desk Heather Deveaux
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What Knowledge and Experience Do You Want to Teach?

So when you think about creating your online course, all of that information and knowledge, and experience in your head is no good to anyone if you’re just the authority on your subject matter. What are you doing with it? Where’s the product? That’s where I get excited: when people start sharing products or results. How are you putting that knowledge to good use? 

I want to help you avoid being someone who says one thing and does another. You’re better than that. You want to create unique things and make an impact and work for yourself and share your knowledge with the world. And I can help you do that

Creating online courses is not about creating a course just to set it and forget it. I want to work with organizations who have a vested interest in how their courses are used, how much impact they are making beyond dollars and Facebook likes, and that are looking to build something truly unique. 

Share Your Motivation and Expertise

Lots of business owners and organizations will tell you their work is important, but when push comes to shove, they focus on the wrong things. When creating an online course, the motivation needs to be to instill change.

If you’re motivated to create an online course that instills change, book a call with me now and find out just how easy it is to have a ready-to-sell online course on the shelf and share your expertise with the world.

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